10:25 AM Milleth Soliza 0 Comments

Today is my first day on the 28-days Clean Gut Program, designed by Dr. Alejandro Junger. This is essentially my last attempt to reclaiming my health before I consult with a gastroenterologist, allergist and ophthalmologist. (More on my condition later).  The program is for 28 days. It aims to clean out the gut layer by layer. It's not a weight-loss cleanse, but an overall health restart. Dr. Junger believes the root cause of many diseases is a damaged or leaky gut. The first 21 days of the program is called Phase 1 which focuses on gut repair based on the four pillars known in functional medicine as: Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, and Repair. We address the four R's by following the Clean Gut diet and taking recommended supplements. The second phase, 7 days, is the reintroduction of possible toxic triggers.

The last week, I have been busy ordering my supplements and creating my meal plan (being mindful of my food allergies, I figured it's best to avoid these when starting, then later introducing them to see exactly how I react to them).

These results are based on the RAST test:

Allergies (class 1-2)
Sesame seed (1)
Shrimp (2)
Cow's Milk (2)

Allergies (class 0/1)--I'm going to include some of these in my meals
Tuna (0)
Salmon (0)
Almond (0/1)
Cashew (0)
Hazelnut (0/1)
Scallop (0)
Soybean (0)
Codfish (0)
Walnut (0)
Wheat (0/1)
Peanut (0/1)
Egg White (0)

Clean Gut Supplements (You can find the recommended supplements on the Clean Gut website, I tried to purchase the recommended items, but in my attempt to save some money, opted for a different option on some of them, so long as they have the recommended ingredient)
Herbal antimicrobial (Berberine) - Swanson Berberine 400mg caps
Saccharomyces Boulardii - Seeking Health 5 Billion CFU per capsule
Multiple Strain Probiotics - Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic Complete
Magnesium - Nature Made Magnesium Citrate 250mg
Multiple Digestive Enzymes - Global Healing VeganZyme Vegan Systemic & Digestive Enzyme Blend
Monolaurin - Ecological Formulas Monolaurin 600mg
B Vitamin Complex - Pure Encapsulations B Complex Plus

A list of the Clean Gut allowed and not allowed food can be found on their website.

The Clean Gut Daily protocol is as follows:

First thing in the morning: a glass of water with half a squeezed lemon (I found an interesting article on Tasty Yummies' blog on the benefit of this)

Breakfast: a green shake + supplements (1 serving of each: herbal microbial, saccharomyces boulardii, multiple-strain probiotic, multiple digestive enzyme, monolaurin, B vitamin complex)

Lunch: a soup, entree-size salad, and/or entree from the Clean Gut recipes or a meal made up of approved foods, + supplements (1 serving of each: multiple digestive enzyme, B vitamin complex)

Dinner: an entree-size salad from the recipes section of the book or any salad variation made of approved foods + supplements (1 serving of each: herbal microbial, saccharomyces boulardii, multiple-strain probiotic, multiple digestive enzyme, monolaurin, B vitamin complex). Take a 10 minute walk after dinner.

Immediately before bed: 1 serving of magnesium supplement


I also purchased the book called Clean Eats, to accompany Clean Gut, which has over 200 recipes that complement the Clean Gut program and/or the Clean program. Some of my week's menu came from this book. The dressings like the mustard vinaigrette and the thousand island vinaigrette are homemade and from the Clean Eats book. The program recommends lunch to be the main meal of the day, but this is going to extremely difficult for me to prepare because of the limited time I have, so I opted my main meal to be dinner time. I aim to eat dinner early, no later than 6:30, and follow it with a 30 minute walk.

Menu for the week:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast - Green Coco Shake
Lunch - Vegetable Frittata
Dinner -Chicken w/Kale and olives
Breakfast - Blackberry Coco Shake
Lunch - Sunken Eggs 
Dinner - Chicken Paiilard w/Butternut Sqush + mustard Vinaigrette
Breakfast - Creamy Blueberry Shake
Lunch - Monday or Tuesday’s Lunch
Dinner -Chicken with capers and pine nuts + asparagus and cherry tomatoes

Breakfast - Blueberries + Kale Shake
Lunch - Wed’s dinner
Dinner - Egg Salad with Salad greens + thousand island vinaigrette
Breakfast - Blackberry Coco Shake
Lunch - Thursday’s dinner
Dinner -  Fish & Chips

Breakfast - Blueberries + Kale Shake
Lunch - Roasted Asparagus w/Poached Eggs
Dinner - Baked Rosemary Chicken + garlicky spinach
Breakfast - Green Coco Shake
Lunch - Saturday’s Dinner
Dinner - Chicken Pot Pie

I picked up the ingredients I will need for the week at a local grocery store, some from Whole Foods.  I opted for organic as much as possible but to be honest, it's so much more expensive and I tried to save money since I've already spent a good deal with the supplements alone.

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